Give em' one warm day, and the snowdrops in your back yard will take a mile! ![]() Speaking of, we've been welcoming babies of all kinds here on the farm. While we enjoy the antics of the kids and lambs, we're also anticipating the arrival of the Melba's calf ANY DAY. It's a lot of staring and belly rubbing, but it's terribly exciting to think that we'll be in cow milk in a few weeks, and have an adorable calf or two to love on. Meanwhile, raw goat milk is available by reservation currently, at $8/ half gallon and $4/ quart. Happy spring, y'all!
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NOFA-VT FARM SHARE program begins accepting applications TODAY! The money they have is limited, so if you are applying for a scholarship, please apply ASAP! Or, please DONATE to the Wild Carrot Farm Scholarship fund, either directly to Wild Carrot, or through NOFA Farm Share (specify Wild Carrot in your donation) to make your donation tax-deductible to help subsidize shares for low-income members. Wild Carrot Farm is committed to making our food accessible to people of all income levels. With this as our mission, we raise money through our Scholarship Fund to help subsidize CSA shares up to 50%. If you would like a scholarship, please contact us, as well as apply through the NOFA program. If you would like to DONATE, you can do a tax-deductible donation through NOFA (be sure to specify Wild Carrot Farm), or you can donate directly through Wild Carrot by mailing us a check with a memo marked "donation to scholarship fund". Thanks for helping support our mission! Overwhelmed. This is a word the four of us have spoken regularly in the past couple of weeks. The house needs finishing before we move, the barn needs more preparation before the animals can move, and we are in the throws of farm planning for this upcoming growing season. We are a bit overwhelmed. But, then we are spurred on and our loads are eased a bit when a new lamb is found in the early hours of the morning, we save the life of a goat kid, a wall is painted, or Janet makes us the best dinner we can ever remember eating. Jesse by and large has been heading up the home make over with Caitlin these past weeks. He has put in new wiring and lights, applied mud, and scrapped lead paint. If you catch him in town and he has two seconds I would offer him a hug or high-five (or a cold beer?), he has more than earned it. Caitlin has been right there with him at the house, and holding the farm together via her excellent organizational skills and bookkeeping. Ashlyn has been enamored with the above mentioned goat kid who she was able to bring back from the brink (her name is Jenny) and has recently regained most of the sleep from the long nights spent awake tending to it. Ben (along with Ashlyn) recently attended the NOFA-VT Winter Conference to learn more about micro-dairies and veterinary techniques, but mainly has dreams about the apple branches he stares daily. Seedlings are getting started! The greenhouse is a balmy 55 degrees and the smell of Vermont Compost Company potting mix is a sure sign of warmer days to come. And the really exciting news is that our order forms are available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can check them out here, along with our brochure. If you have any questions call or e-mail us, we'll help you as soon as possible. For now, stay warm, eat well, and think spring thoughts.
Oh and also, don't forget to change your clocks this weekend (hint: spring ahead). - W.C. |
May 2015