Hello Faithful Wild Carrot Friends!
Spring has sprung at the farm, though this cold snap has kept us on our toes. The greenhouse is full of beautiful little seedlings, the fields are plowed and planted in cover crops, and our first peas are popping out of the soil. In our efforts to keep you informed about what's going on at the farm (and to make a living at it!), here are some updates: The greenhouse is teeming with seedlings, many of which are for sale to gardeners. Lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, swiss chard, sunflowers, onions, leeks, brussel sprouts, kale and more are ready. We are putting some of these things out on the street on warm days, but they are always available in the greenhouse. Feel free to come by to purchase seedlings when you need them and let your friends and neighbors know that we're here! A few experiments (or improvements) are underway this season. With our new greenhouse we're planting early cucumbers inside, hoping to have them ready by the end of June. Basil too is already in the ground and thriving. Tomatoes will join them soon, and we hope to correct the problem of late tomatoes with a good, early July greenhouse crop. Despite being ahead of schedule on plantings, we are well behind our goals for CSA sign ups. We are thrilled at the number of members from last year who have signed up this year, but new sign-ups have been very slow. With a miniscule marketing budget and less and less time on our hands as the season takes shape, we are relying on you to spread the word and help us find the membership we need. Please help us by telling friends and colleagues about the CSA, put some brochures in your workplace, a shout out on facebook, or whatever you can. Community supported agriculture is not just about up front payments. We will be stronger as a farm with enough customers to pay the bills (and maybe some day even the farmers!). Some flyers are attached to this email. We have been fundraising for scholarship shares once again this year. If you know someone in need of some inexpensive veggies, please send them our way. And consider donating to support our efforts to offer more shares to low-income neighbors. Finally, a reminder that eggs will not be included in the regular CSA on a regular basis like last year. We are offering egg shares on a rolling basis--20 weeks at a time for $90. Please let us know if you'd like eggs. We deliver to Newfane and Brattleboro too! Thank you all for your support. June will be here in no time! Jesse, Caitlin and Max |
May 2015