So the rain is starting to get us down a bit, but despite that we've managed to get quite a bit done. We've consolidated plants in the greenhouse and planted whatever we could in the fields. We managed to free up half of the space which we quickly turned into a workshop for building a mobile turkey shelter, a chick brooder, and a small shade shelter for the chickens so that we can stick their feeders at the opposite side of their paddock and encourage them to come out of the coop and into the fresh air (and spread that nice manure around a bit).
The Brooder was done and set up right on time, we got our chicks the next morning and got them settled in. They're off to a great start and are looking happy and healthy. Our brooder this time is set up in the greenhouse, so we can keep an eye on them easily and cut down on our electric bill. During the day the greenhouse heats up to about 80-90+ degrees, so instead of running heat lamps all the time to keep them warm, we're currently providing them with a little extra shade by putting a plastic sled over one side of the brooder. Make sure to stop in the greenhouse and have a peek at the cute little devils the next time you stop b The same day, we moved the turkeys over to their new home, and out into the fresh air from Jesse and Caitlin's place. It was a stressful ride over in the back of the truck, and they were a little worried at first since they had never seen a blade of grass before or been rained on, but they're looking pretty happy now too. They're still figuring out where the door to their coop is though, so sometimes I'll walk by on my way out to the fields and see one of them trying to get to the rest of the flock by running from one corner of the coop to the other. If they don't figure it out soon I might try to stretch a tarp around the lower two feet of the coop to help them find the door a little better. The tomatoes are looking better after getting beaten up in the big storm that hit not too long ago (the day that there were tornadoes down in Springfield), so hopefully in the next few weeks we'll have some tomatoes, maybe we'll have some to share even sooner from our test patch in the greenhouse... :). A few of those bad boys are pretty substantial plants and are already starting to flower...We've got a lot of herbs ready in the pick our own, the Epazote, peppermint, lemonbalm, and silver sagebrush are all ready for picking, so we'll have to get some recipes together and get some of those picked and into everyone's baskets.
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May 2015